Add / Change / Term Employee

Qualifying events or change in status may affect eligibility to receive health benefits.

If one of your employees experiences a qualifying life event or change in employment status, which affects his/her eligibility or his/her dependent’s eligibility to receive health benefits under your group plan, it’s your responsibility to provide written notice within 31 days of the event or change. Simply complete an employee enrollment and change form and send it to your Group Services representative. 

Common life/family events may include but are not limited to:

  • Marriage or commencement of domestic partnership
  • Divorce, legal separation or termination of domestic partnership
  • Addition of a child via birth or adoption
  • Death of the health plan member or his/her dependent(s)
  • Change of home address outside the plan’s service area

Common employment status changes may include but are not limited to:

  • Employee becomes newly eligible to receive coverage
  • Employee becomes ineligible to receive coverage or loses employment
  • Spouse/domestic partner obtains health benefits in another group health plan
  • Spouse/domestic partner loses employment or coverage in another group health plan

If proper notice is not provided, which would have resulted in termination of coverage, Health Plan of Nevada shall have the right to terminate coverage.